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More and more Acupuncture is becoming a harmonizing treatment in addiction to recovery programs. After completing an addiction recovery program, acupuncture can help your long-term recovery plan. Acupuncture is the insertion of fine, sterile needles into the skin at specific acupuncture point to bring the energy flow back into balance as it stimulates the nerves, muscles, and connective tissue, increases blood flow and triggers endorphins that make you feel good and positive, helping patients let go of anxiety and promote well-being.
Today, several recovery centers use acupuncture as a part of the recovery program as acupuncture provides multiple benefits to people, long into their addiction recovery.
Acupuncture is a low risk, alternative therapy that benefits people in recovery when accompanied by an addiction professional and effective treatment program.The benefit of acupuncture for recovering addicts make the therapy a useful inclusion in a holistic relapse prevention plan.
Here is how acupuncture can help recovering addicts:
Acupuncture can be used to provide a holistic addiction recovery program, if dealt with professionally and by a qualified Acupuncturist. Contact Dr. Keyvan Shahverdi on an effective treatment plan to deal with addiction of any kind.
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While we use acupuncture as an effective tool to help deal with depression, anxiety, and stress, a direct ‘yes’ or ‘no’ may not be possible in this case
Acupuncture can help control cravings to a large extent and the craving for food is no less potent than that for say, alcohol or drugs